This week, alerts have been raised about blood shortages in both Region Skåne and Västra Götaland.
According to TV4 Nyheterna, there is an acute shortage of at least one blood type in at least 12 out of 21 regions. In an additional three regions, there is a low supply of at least one blood type.
“If there is not enough blood, planned surgeries have to be canceled, but we are not in that situation yet. There will always be blood available for emergency surgeries,” says Linda Paulson, acting operations manager for geblod in Västra Götaland, to TV4.
Blood can only be stored for six weeks, and hospitals need to maintain a stockpile to be prepared for trauma and disaster situations. Blood is essential for accidents, cancer treatments, and complicated deliveries.
Holidays and trips abroad result in fewer blood donations during the summer.